LG 18650 HB2 1500mAh (Green)
Official specifications:
- Nominal Capacity: 1500mAh
- Minimum Capacity: 1400mAh
- Nominal Voltage: 3.65V
- Max. Charge Voltage: 4.2V
- End voltage: 2.50V
- Max. discharge: 22A
- Diameter: 18.30mm ± 0.05mm
- Height: 65.00mm ± 0.15mm
- Weight: 47g ± 0,01g
This is a high current battery with fairly low capacity.
The two cells tracks very fine and the capacity does not change much with load.
The cell works very well, a few years ago the performance would have been very good, but today you can get cells with more capacity that can deliver the same high current.
Notes and links
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Compare to 18650 and other batteries